Monday, April 30, 2012

We are all dead

By 2110 humanity will completely disappear from the face of the Earth.
Australian professor, the eminent epidemiologist Frank Fenner said that the international community did not live to see the XXII century.

A century later - in 2110 - humanity will completely disappear from the face of the earth - says a well-known Australian scientist Frank Fenner in the London media. - The reason is that the ancient people of society distinguished by increased stability, and today's global civilization - there is no. For example, Australian Aborigines have proven that without modern science, they can survive for 40-50 thousand. years. However, today's society because of their economic and social activities put homo sapience on the brink of extinction.
According to Fenner, the main threat to the existence of mankind are rampant consumption, a sharp increase in world population, rapid climate change due to global warming '. ...

The professor added: ...

... I say this not because something else is allowed to make. People can only delay the inevitable for a period of. Climate change is just beginning, but it is clear to irreversible. The human race will disappear as the sea animal species have disappeared before him ...

95- year-old Frank Fenner has received worldwide fame for his work in microbiology. He was famous for the fact that in the 1980s was one of the people who laid the final of smallpox. Now a professor is also involved in the problems of human survival as a species.

Regarding the causes of its current performance, Frank Fenner said that he ...

Last year, the population of the Earth, according to UN estimates, 6.8 billion people. The world's population will exceed 7 billion. next year.


If you suddenly disappear from Earth all the people.

Do not get lost planet without our supervision? .

New Scientist magazine asked well-known researchers, forecasters imagine a fantastic situation: all 6.5 billion people on Earth in an instant transported somewhere in another galaxy - teleport. Not a soul on the planet. In the extreme case is one person - such as the immortal Duncan MacLeod. Watch what happens. And what did he see? .


- Visible changes will become apparent in the next day - says Gordon Masterton, president of the British Institute of Civil engineering. - Will begin to fade the light. After all, no one will refuel at power plants. Nuclear and hydroelectric power have worked for some time in silent mode. But without human involvement in the regulation of consuming any network failure. Stop water pumps stop working and cleaning sewer system and the whole machinery. After a week or two, a maximum of one month, the planet is finally plunged into darkness. And in some places and in the slop. (Recall the recent accident with the sewage to the west of Moscow, caused by power cuts. - Note. ed. ).

In the meantime, even with the orbit is seen as the Earth shines trillions of light bulbs - ecologists call them glow light pollution. In some countries it is extremely intrusive - the starry sky is not visible. In Japan, for example, artificially lit almost the entire territory. That is not good for the environment. Modern buildings are designed, though at least 60 years, the bridges - to 120, and levees and dams - the 250, but without proper care, they come completely useless much earlier. According to experts, a couple of decades, hurricanes and just the bad weather only accelerate. An example of this - people abandoned after the Chernobyl Pripyat.

- It's only been 20 years - says Ronald Chesser, a biologist at the University of Texas - and the city has changed a lot. Only from a distance is like ... I've been there many times, wooden houses fell, roofs, concrete and brick structures, especially the factory, sagged and collapsed in places, falls for a wall of glass burst. Will soon begin to crumble the bridges. A stand for the longest arched and vaulted construction.

- Even when all the buildings crumble to the earth, cracked and iskroshatsya motorway will remain the ruins - says Masterton. - And take another few thousand years to erosion from wind and water flows have erased all traces of what we ponastroili. Now you can find almost the whole structure, and recognizable remains of which are more than three thousand years.

Almost 500 Chernobyls.

- The fate of radioactive waste can not worry - says Rodney Ewing, a geologist at the University of Michigan (USA) - they are designed to store many thousands of years. But the 430 nuclear power plants operating around the world will explode like the Chernobyl. After the cooling systems of nuclear reactors, the water evaporates, and they will melt. Although the harm caused by such disasters will not be terrible, as some think.

- Chernobyl zone demonstrates an amazing ability to heal itself of nature - agrees Chesser. - I expected to see there is a radioactive wilderness. But the local ecosystem, it turns out, is thriving. Of course, first bred rats, mice, dogs. But a few years, local fauna suppressed all this riff-raff. Now in the Chernobyl zone is 15 times more wild animals than outside it, is full of wild boars, wolves and other large carnivores.

Wherever you look - thick forest.

So, it took only 20 years old deserted to in a particular location was adjusted life. At about the same rate will begin to revive and other ecosystems. Faster - in warm and humid regions. But in the cold north or south of it will not last. After all, people do evil things, and there is less. Most roads and clearings for pipelines. Canadian ecologist Brad STELFOKS modeled on a computer ... It turned out over 50 years of forest cover 80 percent of its territory. For 200 years - almost the entire. A half-savage, and now Siberia, probably heal faster.

However, nature will take many centuries to ... And agricultural land. Some ecosystems do not recover.

David Wilkie, a biologist at Princeton University, cites the example of the Hawaiian Islands, where the forest ...

And what happens to the pet?.

- They are, of course, the wild - is responsible Chesser. - Divide by rocks disappear. Decline and population. For example, now an excess of sheep in the world - more than 3 billion. It will be much less.

And whatever will be the person on the planet or not, those species that have already brought to extinction, is likely to disappear. Although in general, according to scientists who will desolate the earth wildlife a better chance to maintain biodiversity - both on land and in the oceans, where in addition to fish actively begin to recover coral reefs and plankton.

breathe easy.

From the nasty nature of the firm to quickly get rid of.

- The cleanup of nitrates and phosphates, which are now the turn of the river and lake in the toxic broth, will take several decades - says Kenneth Potter, a hydrologist at the University of Wisconsin. - The underground waters are maintained for longer. But for a hundred or two years of the bacteria to neutralize.

Where to rapidly disappear smelly gases - and a variety of factory exhaust that accompany the creative activity of people. Within two to three weeks Macleod -observer feels that breathe easier: During this time rainfall will wash out of the atmosphere nitrogen oxides and sulfur.

Even worse - with carbon dioxide, the main culprit of global warming.

- Burning of fossil fuels, humanity had already thrown into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide that it will be another 1,000 years, a significant effect on the environment - explains climate scientist Susan Solomon. - Too much is saved minimum20 000 years.

- Even disappeared, humanity will remain guilty in an ongoing warming - said climatologist - forecaster Gerald MIIL. - And it can lead to the fact that under the ocean floor will be released methane, which is still there in the frozen state in the form of hydrates, from which temperatures soar even higher. And what will happen next is unknown - either a new ice age, or Flood, or the global fire.

- Today's climate models are not yet a threat to take into account the methane. And so it is time to. There is evidence that the gas had already begun to trickle out of the permafrost, - said Peter Tan, a specialist in atmospheric physics.

And no one will notice that we are no longer.

Scientists agree that over 100,000 years on Earth there will be no visible traces of an advanced civilization. In this sense, our planet is equal to the Mars. Photos from orbit or from the robot- terrain vehicles traveling on the surface, would not find a single artifact. Aliens have personally planted and to conduct archaeological excavations.

- Aliens probably surprise a strange concentration of the skeletons of large primates, carefully buried at the same distance from the surface, - grim joke forecasters - and, of course, ozadachat gold teeth they.

- Can be caught pieces of glass, plastic, and maybe even paper - says archaeologist William Rathje of Stanford University, - the preservation of some old things I have always been amazed.

And in the bottom sediments of the aliens discover layers, indicating a short period of massive deposition of heavy metals, especially mercury.

And somewhere in the 100 thousand light years from Earth will continue traveling electromagnetic waves from our radio and television. At a certain skill inhabitants of distant planets could catch them.


Are people from a harm? .


Alexei Yablokov, a professor, counselor of the Russian Academy of Sciences: We passed the ...

- Do colleagues - version of the script development of mankind, of which I had been thinking. It is not excluded that it is - humanity - have already passed the ... And due to our pollution of the biosphere is such that inevitably leads to our death.

Biosphere catastrophically rapidly saturated with ... They cause increased morbidity and mortality. This is particularly true mortality of eggs and sperm. The average number of sperm in a cubic centimeter of human semen has declined in the world with 140 million in 1920 - 1930. 40 - 60 million. nowadays. In regions with extremely adverse environmental conditions the number of sperm approached the fateful line ( 20 million. ) When fertilization is problematic.

So far, out of inertia, the increase in world population is still going, but all the more sharply decelerating rate. It is clear that the forecast increase in the number of mankind up to 10 - 11 billion. fail as failed forecasts half a century ago that by 2000 we should have been 9 billion. In general, the situation discussed in the article of the magazine New Scientist should be attributed not to the realm of science fiction and futurology to the field - the science of the future.

The strongest of the building does not stand for more than 150 years. Then in mid-latitudes of the city for many centuries will be allocated as a chaotic heap of concrete structures. Egyptian pyramids remain a few thousand years.

In the tropics and subtropics of the city quickly disappear, absorbed by the vines, trees and shrubs. Lianas can climb the many tens of meters and can even decades oplesti stoetazhnye skyscrapers.

I recall that once the big stone city in Southeast Asia for several centuries were obsessed with the jungle so that they are difficult to find today. On the other hand, the earth bears traces of our activity is sometimes surprisingly long time. The burial mounds on the steppes visible for thousands of years. And in a hundred years here and there traces of seemingly shallow trenches of World War I.

Agricultural land will disappear without a trace, I believe, not through the centuries, and for several decades. Young forests on the site of the abandoned fields of collective and state farms in Russia - a clear proof.

In the mid-twentieth century, biomass of humanity - people, domestic animals and cultivated plants - sharing it with a biomass of wildlife on land. But the remaining wild part of the biosphere to recover in the amount of 30 - 40 years. There remain some feral descendants of some animals - such endurance, such as the Yakut shaggy cows and horses, without human intervention and is now producing their own food even in winter. Biodiversity - ... For the formation of a new kind of need hundreds or thousands of generations.

Perhaps cut the numbers of great apes with no homo sapiens could start the path to the noosphere (... - Vernadsky ). For a man this way - from Australopithecus to Homo sapiens - took about 3 million years. Hence, it is possible that a few million years after the disappearance from the face of the planet there any reasonable person analog of our civilization. By that time - this is for sure - traces of Homo sapiens on Earth did not exist at all, and will be a good chance that the next civilization will repeat the sad experience of our.

24 hours.

Power outages.

48 hours.

Accidents. lights go out.

2 weeks.

City plunged into darkness.

3 weeks.

In nuclear power reactors melt and explode.

1 month.

The atmosphere is cleansed of harmful gases.

10 - 20 years.

Wandering flocks of feral dogs and sheep.

30 - 50 years.

Agricultural lands are overgrown forests.

50 - 60 years.

The soil is cleaned of particulate pollutants.

60 - 200 years.

Demolition of buildings, dams, bridges.

300 - 1000 years.

In place of the cities are in ruins.

100 000 years.

There were no visible traces of the human host.

3 million years.

Monkeys are intelligent.

Permanent address.

News from Skypecine. com.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Tandberg Data has sold more than 100,000 drives RDX ® QuikStor

Beginning in 2007, Tandberg Data has sold more than 100. 000 RDX ® QuikStor drives and more than 300. 000 cartridges for them, with a total capacity of more than 40 petabytes! .
The advantages of storage RDX ® QuikStor obvious, combining the best that is in disk storage systems and tape backup devices kopiprovaniya, drives RDX ® QuikStor subdued market removable storage media.
Experts predict significant growth in this market with 100,000 units sold each year now, up to 500 000 - 2012.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Solar power on the arrow and Arabatskaya Oleshkovsky sands

According to H. Kostiuk, the most urgent is to build solar power plants in the Arabatskaya direction and in the desert sands Oleshkovsky '.

The sides discussed the issue of building capacity of 30-50 MW gelioelektrostantsy, planning the construction of a large solar parks, the introduction of small local systems in the villages.

As reported, Arabatskaya arrow - sand spit peninsula, 115 km in length, width from 270 m to 7.5 km. It separates the Sea of ​​Azov from the Siwash.

Oleshkovsky sands - the largest array of sand on the territory of Ukraine. They consist of plains, dunes and sand hills about 5 m height. The area of ​​the desert - 160 thousand. hectare.

Earlier in the sands located Oleshkovsky military training ground, where pilots practiced bombing of Warsaw Pact. Until now, the sands are found unexploded ordnance.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Putin Rod Way of the people, Putinaroda - the new music from the best political joke at the moment Russian rock band - Liapis Trubetskoy.