Yesterday the State Duma received the bill on amendments to the. CTP. In which the payment of compensation to uproschennoy system doubles.
The author made the chairman of the Duma Committee on Financial Markets Vladislav Reznik. The entire text of the document consists of several lines: ...
As described in a memorandum to the document, increase the amount of insurance payments will contribute to a more expeditious resolution of disputes between road accidents and have a positive impact on traffic management.
A simplified scheme of registration of an accident, that is, without having to call the traffic police, it is possible, subject to several conditions. In the accident involved only two cars whose owners are insured for CTP. In the accident were not injured people. Participants agree to the accident circumstances of the accident and received injuries resulting in her. And the main point - the amount of damage does not exceed 25 000 rubles. It is this point and decided to fix the MP.
I must say that the so-called ' evroprotokol ', also known as the simplified scheme, the popularity of our drivers are still not used. According to the statistics of the Russian Union of Insurers, only 4 percent of motorists were paid by the simplified scheme. In total for the nine months of this year settled thousands of cases over 1774.
So why the drivers are in no hurry to part with the accident with no police report? . One of the main fears - and suddenly be accused of that disappeared from the scene of an accident? . When making a notification of an accident, which was signed by both parties, such problems will not arise.
The second concern - what if not enough 25 000 for repair? . And what may be hidden damage? . CTP. of 23,000 rubles. Under this amount falls more than 80 percent of insurance claims.
So maybe, in fact, if we increase the limit on the amount of payments, the people will be more likely to use this service? . The fact that there is still a form of insurance, as Hull. And on it a simplified system of payments is not provided at all. So, we must wait for traffic police and the police to arrange an accident.
Not so long ago on this subject the whole meeting was held at the main country of Victor gosavtoinspektora Nilova. Then the experts were of the opinion that it is necessary to introduce a range of changes in legislation. Including reconcile the rules of insurance. CTP. and. Hull. Moreover, the representative of the Ministry of Finance said at the time that such a bill is being prepared.
Another problem - it is feared motorists that with this design they are unlikely to get their money. And, at the same meeting complained about insurers themselves, this fear is not unfounded. Almost half of the requests were denied by evroprotokolu. Themselves as insurance companies fear that the drivers more opportunities for fraud in a similar design.
Of course, the extension of benefits up to 50 thousand rubles - a good initiative. But it is unlikely due to her number of people willing to do without traffic police in the event of an accident seriously grow up. Most of all, for instilling evroprotokola need to recall the other proposals. Some experts propose legislation to remove from the traffic policemen of minor accidents, with some exceptions. However, the list of exceptions may be too large.
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