Friday, March 30, 2012

Store of knowledge.

Specialized knowledge in a particular subject area.

If the head of the book, the OS, forums and newsgroups are relevant for any specialization, the head of the tools are not relevant to all, something about the technology and programming languages ​​are interesting chapters are not all. These include specialization, as a programmer banking software, accounting software developer, tester, administrator, etc. Dr..

The items listed in this article, only the beginning, some general information that is necessary to proceed to a more detailed study of the above, and then get highly specialized knowledge in your chosen field of activity. To do this, there are numerous courses, certification, seminars, and most importantly, the experience. Work hard, do not be afraid of difficulties to become a real pro.


Do you think that, for example, the programmer does not need to read 1C Stroustrup and Knut? . it. not. taken from other sites, all cases have occurred with my participation.

The first story. In pride of the Russian IT-industry, 1C, with its well-developed software, there are ' Achilles heel ': an army of programmers nizkoprofessionalnyh, whose level of training is often borders on profanity. In my opinion, this was due to the low level of entry into the market: the product is so easy to learn that many programmers are not ( the economists, personnel officers, etc. ) Become programmers 1C. So, was the firm where I worked as a programmer 1C Shreds. An economist by training. One day my attention attracted lively accountants Run to him, and accountants to Shred. They had stacks of papers discussing something animatedly, sat up till late. This lasted for two days. On the third day disheveled and he looked around zadurenny looking for any help. Then I asked him:.
- Shreds that for the ' Park your vehicle ' do you have? .
- Nah, buggy 1C, the third day of struggling, I can not get around.
- VAT is not considered properly, the amount of VAT and VAT do not converge in pennies.
In general, there is already possible to laugh, to continue the story does not make sense. I then spent his educational program on the program the first year technical college, and explained that such a rounding error. In the next half-hour task, which occupied the minds of all Accountants businesses and Shred, was successfully solved.

The second story. Kostya, a certified financial systems programmer. Sitting in a cafe, talking about different. We were talking about his work. He touts his system and offering it to introduce my company. What I am saying that it will not pull such volumes. Then Kostya says:.
- Well, why not pull, so we finish a big project and there is nothing wrong with the performance.
- What will happen in a year when there will be a lot of data? .
- Buying more powerful server.
- Yes, you have a system powerful, but why do not optimize it to increase the iron is not required?.
- And this is a clever program: it optimizes itself.
- It can not be! .
- Nah, the program is smart, it 's all very well thought out. It will work quickly.
- But how?.
- I do not know, but I think she will automatically index all the fields!.

The following story. A small dialog box:.
- I'm going to rewrite your program from scratch.
- For what? .
- No.
- There will be used by another database?.
- No.
- I spent a month to write it. Why are you going to have to spend at least a month, to ensure that it be rewritten?.
- I do not want to understand how your code.

Another story. In front of me one time, it was workplace programmer Eugene, with a very large salary, t. to. He is a very good specialist. He is working hard for exchanging data between programs. Zhenya in his work emerged plugging. He walked, catching me in the hallway and a little embarrassed, asks: ... So said the number of bits in.

Several years ago, I understood the mystical history. The functional principle in the client did not work. in general. As if it was not at all. ' Casket ' was opened quickly, it was enough to take a look at the source code. The code that was placed by the programmer in. module with Unit- tests! . e. on testing everything worked perfectly, but when going to release this code, there simply is not subjected to.

After these stories, I hope you realize that there are things that all programmers need to know. Without discussion, to know and point.

(To be continued. ).

Thursday, March 29, 2012


A false sense or true? .

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

RoverPC P7: Communicator for all

83763In early summer RoverPC promised to please another innovation of mobile consumers. It is a model communicator RoverPC P7. According to the developers, the device will continue the family budget models, and will be in the hands of those who have long wanted to get a universal mobile assistant, but could not afford it.

According to available data, RoverPC P7 is based on CPU Marvell PXA270 ( 416 MHz ). To expand the total allows a memory card slot Micro SD. As a software base unit supports Windows Mobile 6. a. Fans of portable multimedia RoverPC P7 draw thanks to the media player, stereo headset, 2.8 -inch bright display. There is also a 2- megapixel camera.

The model is equipped with Bluetooth wireless modules, two. 0 and Wi-Fi. Synchronize RoverPC P7 with other devices using miniUSB. In the market of novelty will be in early June and will be available at a price of 8990 rubles.

Report on Startup Crash Test 10.0

The people began to gather timely as ever. But this time we have had technical problems and we will start his later. But still! . I would like to ask the distinguished visitors to think about it, and a) register b) do not be late. Unfortunately, some visitors is not very accepted these rules and staged scandal resepnshe. One of the mistakes were visitors - registration in Linkedin, although Tym was written in large letters, the registration on the site ( one of the members of the organizing committee is not registered and was late, but paid without a murmur ).
For the participants: the hall was 230 people. Investors I counted: the representatives of 12 foundations and seven angels.
After the welcoming words of one of the leaders of Quasar Bogdan Kupych, made ​​by our guest from Moscow, Nikolai Chub, who spoke about StartapIndekse, which was launched in Moscow. After that, Igor Semenov has done an excellent, but slightly draped presentation, which was a good warm-up before the panel.
The panel was interesting as always. With pointed questions from the audience and the exchange of sharp questions from the audience. What I took away from the panel, is the fact that it is necessary 1) to make the panel smaller issues, and pronounce them clearly 2) in the panel to look for a conflict to make it sharper, my opinion - should be alternated with the format of the interview panel, which we tried last time . Somehow I did not have the dynamics in this case. Well, it was necessary to sammarizirovat results, and then how it turned out that the entrepreneurs have to fear for his apartment (note that an investor buys a stake in the company and in case of bankruptcy, all of the obligations apply only to assets of the company, and if another predusmoteno in the investment agreement, the .
Break was 25 minutes and people are actively communicated, both among themselves and the precipitating investors.
After the break there were three sessions spike. It is good that there were three Peach. The first time had to cut the man, the second was very nervous, but still pulled. Third overcomplicated itself, but a site that has been specified like the situation rectified. Format of the public liked.
Immediately thereafter began the presentation start-ups. The first was Egor with pig. He decided to make a presentation in English. As for me - the best presentation was for all 10 kreshtestov, but nonetheless, I knew the project, I have some comments - there are a lot of work. Questions and answers were interesting, too, but Yegor stretches answers, for which he should be beaten about the ears.
The second project - a plug-in for Photoshop for automatic layout design. The presentation was good, but of the questions the public has become clear that the above it should work and work. The project is very ineteresny - this is the second good project from Kherson, which I know. As for me, so a very good candidate for investment. On the assessment of investment needs, I think they propahnulis three times - I do not believe that such a project can raise less than a million, but as for good - so in half.
The third project - the Internet miniATS for small businesses. The project is interesting, but the guys missed with the CA, the audience indicated that they. Their CA - koltsentry distributed companies and offices. Rebet promised to give 10 ty registered for the annual event, a free service.
After that, some people went to Lame Semi. I must refrain from traveling there. Each time the gorge so that breathing is difficult. Two sleduyuschiyh Kreshtesta going fast, and then I will go to some Italian.
At the afterparty with Max decided to spend the next Kreshtest on e- commerce, and in one - the game. So, if anyone has ideas about projects for presentation, ready to listen - write.
We have at sponsors naklevki, if possible, we will start to buy clip-on microphone and the video will be written posereeznee. In the ACT will try to organize a game online broadcast.
If anyone sees other published reports and photos - please write in the comments, I 'll post here. Also in the comments write comments and suggestions. We are carefully considering all.
Thanks again for your support! .

Monday, March 26, 2012

Summer, sea, and dinner!

contest announced. ), Today is the cheapest meal on the beach. Cheaper dining will not find there, if you do not infringe upon himself in the nutrition. Meet the famous ' Pancake ', r. Svetlogorsk, St.. October 22,.

Actually the menu:.
1) Borscht.
2) Meatballs (pork, rice) with mashed potatoes.
3) Vinaigrette.
4) Pie with potatoes.
5) Black Tea.
Cost:. £ 147.60. So it's more expensive than stated in the competition of 100 rubles, but the coast is pulled to 80-90 rubles. in.

The feel of the meal better than those I experienced when. last test. Zhirnovato bit for my taste, but it is clearly better products and the level of preparation is also.

In any case, enjoy leisure. There are also pancakes. But these works remind me do not really like pancakes. At 50m there is a cafe Relish, there is great pancakes cooked on a modern Crepes Makers. There are a lot tastier and no more. I guess you can eat in the Relish even cheaper, but there is no soup on the menu - select the menu did not work in the competitive. And so we can take a dish, which includes sausage, or nuggets, potatoes, a little bit of vegetables, salad and coffee, and meet the $ 100.

A new placard hung. I do not understand the associative thinking of the authorities. How do turtles in the Kaliningrad region? . We even have a sausage ' Amber '.

Hotels in Svetlogorsk. the summer is almost over, some were left tails. Completing the sale. Zelenogradsk. Still there is a guest house in 8km from Svetlogorsk - everything is there, but overall comfortable on the floor: just converted into a hotel home. But the prices are ridiculous. There are students or just want to save on accommodation by the sea, then 600 rubles. / day for 1 person or 1200 rubles. for a double room - more than reasonable price in the summer season. There is still free.

At this time, did not descend to the sea. Quickly decided the case and went - a lot of home affairs. The temperature outside is tightened to 30 degrees. The breeze is but a faint and have a warm. I hate the heat. My favorite season - summer twilight. I'm going to rake the case, which, as I wrote - a lot.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

MPs want to force motorists to make out an accident without the cops

Yesterday the State Duma received the bill on amendments to the. CTP. In which the payment of compensation to uproschennoy system doubles.
The author made ​​the chairman of the Duma Committee on Financial Markets Vladislav Reznik. The entire text of the document consists of several lines: ...
As described in a memorandum to the document, increase the amount of insurance payments will contribute to a more expeditious resolution of disputes between road accidents and have a positive impact on traffic management.
A simplified scheme of registration of an accident, that is, without having to call the traffic police, it is possible, subject to several conditions. In the accident involved only two cars whose owners are insured for CTP. In the accident were not injured people. Participants agree to the accident circumstances of the accident and received injuries resulting in her. And the main point - the amount of damage does not exceed 25 000 rubles. It is this point and decided to fix the MP.
I must say that the so-called ' evroprotokol ', also known as the simplified scheme, the popularity of our drivers are still not used. According to the statistics of the Russian Union of Insurers, only 4 percent of motorists were paid by the simplified scheme. In total for the nine months of this year settled thousands of cases over 1774.
So why the drivers are in no hurry to part with the accident with no police report? . One of the main fears - and suddenly be accused of that disappeared from the scene of an accident? . When making a notification of an accident, which was signed by both parties, such problems will not arise.
The second concern - what if not enough 25 000 for repair? . And what may be hidden damage? . CTP. of 23,000 rubles. Under this amount falls more than 80 percent of insurance claims.
So maybe, in fact, if we increase the limit on the amount of payments, the people will be more likely to use this service? . The fact that there is still a form of insurance, as Hull. And on it a simplified system of payments is not provided at all. So, we must wait for traffic police and the police to arrange an accident.
Not so long ago on this subject the whole meeting was held at the main country of Victor gosavtoinspektora Nilova. Then the experts were of the opinion that it is necessary to introduce a range of changes in legislation. Including reconcile the rules of insurance. CTP. and. Hull. Moreover, the representative of the Ministry of Finance said at the time that such a bill is being prepared.
Another problem - it is feared motorists that with this design they are unlikely to get their money. And, at the same meeting complained about insurers themselves, this fear is not unfounded. Almost half of the requests were denied by evroprotokolu. Themselves as insurance companies fear that the drivers more opportunities for fraud in a similar design.
Of course, the extension of benefits up to 50 thousand rubles - a good initiative. But it is unlikely due to her number of people willing to do without traffic police in the event of an accident seriously grow up. Most of all, for instilling evroprotokola need to recall the other proposals. Some experts propose legislation to remove from the traffic policemen of minor accidents, with some exceptions. However, the list of exceptions may be too large.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Test ' On which of the Moomin and friends like you '

If you have answered all the questions that come to mind, then you - Moomin.

Cheerful young dreamer. As anyone who was born in a family with a permanent income, with a two-story mansions and nutritious meal five times a day, Moomin is very attached to his house and his parents. That is why it is with great seriousness applies to each podvernuvshemusya adventure turns into a fairy and even minor events with him every day. He gladly goes to travel, but always knew that his house waiting for dinner and a warm bed. Moomin appreciates her friends, who can see things and go everywhere, so he can be the protagonist in a circle of friends charismatic. Moomin love everyone who loves all simple and good, but it is always very attracted to unusual, complex and incomprehensible. image

Take the test.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

' The

http://www. ossystems. ru/news/news/254. phtml.
The company OSSystems. Have you heard about this?.

Very interesting text that characterizes some ( I would say innovative ) PR- style and presentation of you, prevalent in the IT community. I advise you to read.

First, there is written about the round table on the clouds, in which I was also (. http://cloudclub-ru. blogspot. com/2010/11/cio_25. htmlhttp:/ / cloudclub-ru. blogspot. com/2010/11/cio_25. html. ).

Here is the beginning of the press release:.

' Russian experts do not put much hope on the development of ... '.

It is clear that the opinions in the estimates of the discussions may diverge. But I can not agree with this assessment, for the simple reason that, in general, no discussion is just not there poluchblos (I wrote about it ) and what ' experts ' in question - it is not clear.

Secondly, I sincerely surprised the style of the press release and active quotes Mr. Anisimov, because I participated in it ' live ' discussion is not memorable.

Thirdly, I am interested in the company - OSSystems, which I had never heard before. Consulted with colleagues who are more closely involved in the theme of Open Source, - they also have not heard.

But all this - particularly (heard, not listened to ). Let's see what there ( press release ) states on the merits.

' At present outsourcing conditions are fixed, especially in the oral agreements between the parties involved - the contract did not reflect reality and not a tool for influencing. '.

... (I'm on the VMware Forum spoke with a representative of the Scandinavian company that actively develops its data centers in Russia).

' so-called ... This type of cloud is characterized by the fact that the purchased service is provided only for your own units and employees '.

Here is what the private cloud, according to the company OSSystems.

And finally, here is a great ending:.

' ... For example, according to Alexey Anisimov, view the desired report from the corporate ERP-systems and in parallel to monitor the news to Facebook beloved iPhone on the screen it is possible just because of technology of cloud services '.

Here are the cloud model in the representation of the young, but you need to think long-term, OSS- provider.

35 additional trains in Finland

In addition, 17 more flights will be provided by travel agencies. 15 out of 17 flights depart from Moscow, and two from Saint Petersburg.
In addition to Helsinki, in the list of destinations for additional trains chislyatsa Joulupukki - Finnish Santa Claus Village and Rovaniemi, the capital of Lapland.

News from the Field - Money from A to Z

In Sapa income jumped to almost 24 at the local. e. Remember I talked about the dependence of payments on refam of personal income? . So the relationship is almost exactly. In ksape all still. Climb somewhere else I was too lazy. In setlinks stateynikah and nothing has changed for several months.

The most pleasant news from the context. YAN reformed and began to grow. Behind him was to pull Adsense and, moreover, he began to lag behind. And then almost leveled in January. Begun remained in their. So by the summer of context could raskochegarit.

The club discussed the socket to monitor the parameters of their sites. I tried - really a good thing. Details. club. More on the internal Exchange Club began selling the satellites: Satellite reception is from the public.

I heard - like:. February 14 as the second March 8.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Extending VK AwayFixer remove warning about the transition to an external reference Facebook

The function of this extension is quite simple: 'extension. VK AwayFixer. gets rid of pesky warnings about the transition on the link to suspicious / malicious site '. Try it out, because this ' guardianship ' social network, VK. com sometimes so annoying.


In general, the organization was weak - and the FTA did Vidyakin seminars stronger. On the other hand was a complete meal. As a result, 80% of the audience lasted till the end. But the selection of speakers was weak. I remember Mr. Boyarintsev of KursorMedia ( a leading development studio based on Bitrix Site in the region) with a report on contextual advertising and a couple of girls in front of me - Alena from Klikarta and Alexander from the agency Lama. At least they talked to this topic. Although it was full terms understandable to most small.

Own hands twice lazhanuli. The first report turned out at all crumpled - a local speaker was clearly not ready to show at its best charms to place banners on the portal. And the organizer of Moscow, he is leading, spent more than a report intended for the Moscow audience - in a playful way, not realizing that people are sitting in the hall, yesterday retreated from the machine and vytershie hands with a rag from the engine oil. People just did not entered the garbage with Sherlock Holmes and the search for coach.

To the people of my report clearly tired, but I'm not used to read the reports of 15 minutes, in addition, it was obvious that I was invited as a residual ( the penultimate report, choose one of two remaining so urged to keep the rules, and on the move yet . Oh, and figs with him, I said, and walked to the contrary. Since all took a position ' to let us know! ' I built a report to the contrary ' customers we do not need it, we choose the customers '. The tactic risky, but people were tired and ready for any improvisation. So it worked.

First, we had a little workout - popodnimali pens in response to my questions. Perhaps it will seem absurd, but raising his hands up, people will initiate the flow of blood to the head. Primitive, but it works - the audience brightened up.

Then we skimmed Crossing Europe on the correct construction of the budget for the campaign - nothing to do with my report, which was published in the blog. Whenever I go to the examples, as the leading stopped me and I decided not to proceed with the report and move on to issues. Questions were not so many as we would like, but it was fun to.

The organizers, I obviously upset, for which I offer them my insincere apologies, but after the report came up and thanked the people for the report. I drank coffee and exchanged phone numbers with a few friends, and arranged a series of meetings during the week or in the future. So the whole workshop could be considered a success.

Also, I propiaril our possible resumption of cooperation with Oleg Vidyakina - I offered to run the evening of answers to any questions on business development in the Internet. If you live in Kaliningrad, watch for announcements.

Now, about my problems. I have an obvious visyak one of the orders -. I want the blood from his nose to the programmer 1C version 7. 7. for correction or write a module pulls directory ( range ) of the program in the right format, I. This person must live in Kaliningrad, because he will have to configure the module for the customer, so that he could update the site with one button. TK, I put in PM. A lot of money can not promise. Offers phones and send to the masterxbablorub @ gmail. com.

Never refuse to participate in seminars. This is not only the direct customers, but also increase your reputation as a developer and / or web specialist.

In my plans yet to go to Moscow for a seminar to launch a series of independent seminars in Kaliningrad, and possibly a trip to the fall in the Yaroslavl retweet. If you have any other suggestions - write to ICQ or e-mail. Will not be bored!.


PS. After the seminar saw the picture: my aunt fifty surrounded the young and beautiful Boyarintseva (which is modest - a peasant lad, keeps himself in shape and goes to seminars is not in jeans and wearing a suit ), and one sang 'I saw you both at once realized that you . like this. Seminars - an excellent opportunity to acquire a loyal customer.

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first Snow

At work, shutters on the windows are closed. Recognize that it is snowing outside, the design Gmail'a in which weather- chosen theme of 'Tree', somehow, even geeky-freaky.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New graphics card for laptops

news_16221_1_MDAMD released a new series of notebook GPUs for high-end. It is called the ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3800 and the first line of GPU, supporting ATI CrossFireX technology. 3800 series video cards are designed for 55- nanometer technology and supports 256- bit memory interface GRRD3 in the presence of 320 stream processors.

The new chips can work with Microsoft DirectX 10. 1, equipped with an interface for PCI Express 2. 0 x16 and include architecture, ATI Avivo HD Video and Display technology and ATI PowerPlay. Referring to earlier statements by AMD, we can say that in the 3800 series will include models such as the 3850 and 3870 in two variations - with a single nucleus and two.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Map MWNPCED - Wi-Fi in every home

News_13240_1_MDThe possibility of a cable to connect computers sometimes excluded because of the geographic location of the facility or from a purely economic considerations. However, do not despair, because you can easily create your own wireless network! . Card is installed in a standard PCMCIA- slot of the motherboard and, despite its compact size, provides superior call quality and extensive coverage, minimizing the chances of the disappearance of the signal.

However, one should not think that the creation and operation of a wireless network - something that is incredibly difficult. Installing a computer in minutes, and thanks MWNPCED compatibility with operating systems family of Windows, setting up connections will not be difficult. The transfer of radio frequency carrier can be carried out in accordance with IEEE 802. 11 b / g / n, with a high signal level is ensured by the module 's own antenna. Map MWNPCED has a built- encryption algorithm data WPS, which means that outsiders will never be able to access the information transmitted. Using the MIMO technology to achieve high performance module. The cost of the device with the ability to purchase in Russia: 1600 rubles.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Intel is preparing to release two new motherboards based on chipset Z68

company. Intel. , The largest producer of central processing units, began selling two new motherboards based. based on the Z68 chip. New items were named. DZ68ZV and DZ68BC. and is already available on the manufacturer's website.

Model DZ68ZV performed in the ATX form factor and is characterized by the presence of four full slots DIMM, which can accommodate up to 32 GB of memory type DDR3- 1600 dual-channel configuration. The description also contains the pair of slots PCI Express x16, one x1 PCI Express slot and a trio of 32- bit PCI. The motherboard includes the installation of eight SATA- drives using four port SATA 6 Gb / s and four SATA 3 Gb / s.
Fee DZ68BC belongs to a productive series of Extreme, but its specifications look ' pale ' in the competition. The rear panel has two USB ports. 0, USB 3. 0, eSATA, FireWire, LAN, video outputs DisplayPort, DVI, HDMI, and the CMOS settings reset button and a set of audio jacks. The package includes a USB-adapter with a wireless-enabled Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, as well as software LucidLogix Virtu. Unfortunately, the cost of motherboards and DZ68ZV DZ68BC currently not available.

Source: Softpedia. com.

GPS- spy from the JJ-Connect

509-registrator-300The company JJ-Group has released the next version of the GPS-receiver, who can remember the way done. The trajectory of the vehicle will be recorded and details shown on the map. JJ-Connect Registrator 2X Edition has a waterproof casing, and slightly bigger than a standard box of matches (5.8 x 3.8 x 1.6 cm). In order to read information from it, there is no need to get the device out of the car - just connect it to your computer via Bluetooth.

From the previous version Registrator 2X Edition differs 10-fold increased number of recordable waypoints (of 131 072 points). In addition, the track route can now be considered not only on Google Earth ( as in the previous version of the registrar ), but also on such maps as Google Map, Virtual Earth, etc. Registrator 2X Edition is able to attach photos to a point on the Internet atlas, making it possible to show the world your memorable moments in geographically designated areas like.

... But, above all, a quality GPS-receiver, which can be connected to a PDA or laptop and save on avtonavigatorov ...

Included with the GPS-receiver are two types of battery chargers, cable and software CD. The average retail price for the device - 3899 rubles.

Company: Group JJ-GROUP - market leader in retail and wholesale GPS navigation, sonar, and modern means of communication.

jj-group. ru.